Getting ready for her EP release party Thursday April 10th at The Biltmore, Tamara Nile is pretty excited. After taking a break from her last release, Nile is back with a freshly pressed EP called Tingle and Spark, and she’s ready for people to hear it. Packed in a tight 5-song format, Tingle and Spark (EP) has many of the same folk sensibilities we’ve come to expect from Nile, but with added musical textures that include beats and synths. I, myself, felt a tingle and saw a spark as Nile spoke about creating her new album.

Sparkly! Check out T. Nile's newest EP.
Sparkly! Check out T. Nile’s newest EP.

“I was influenced by bands like The Knife, Chromeo…having access to electronic instruments gives you a much broader pallet. If you imagine it like painting, it’s the difference between having two colours and a thousand colours to paint with.”

And while Nile stands behind her previous releases, she feels like they expressed only a fraction of her creative vision.

“That’s one of the reasons I took a breather after releasing The Cabin Song EP (2009). I was ready to evolve creatively but because I didn’t see anyone else doing what heard in my head, I felt shy to share it.”

These days, Nile doesn’t hold back. She’s always been interested in “blending genres and even different artistic disciplines together.” Recently, she’s been working with a dancer/choreographer Cayley Hanrahan on a multi-media theatre show that incorporates her songs as the backdrop and inspiration for dance and movement.

“I’m a fangirl for dance. To me, it’s just a natural extension of my first love, music. I’m enchanted by the way that dancers can create a visceral visual representation of how music affects the human mind, body and soul.”

Whatever her project, expect Nile to write honest songs with emotional gusto. Her full-length album drops in August. In the meantime, see her at the Biltmore Cabaret on April 10 with special guest Frankie and David Ward.

Check out T.Nile tonight at The Biltmore. Details and tickets online

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