The newest issue of Sad Mag (available now!) features the work of two fantastically talented photographers, Martina + Reem, who joined forces to create the cover featuring Jessica Kruger. Shooting for MAC Cosmetics, Elite Model Agencies, and Flare magazine events, this duo has many reputable collaborations under their belt. With a passion for fine arts and fashion, Martina + Reem create an unimaginably whimsical fantasy in each of their photos. For them, every piece contains its own story and leaves an everlasting emotion that resonates with the viewer. Going back to their roots shooting film for this project, a choice that initially caused anxiety, ultimately rewarded them with a stunning result.

We had the pleasure of getting a coffee with Martina + Reem to discuss their photography, Sad Mag, and all things mystical.

Martina + Reem always manage to capture something fantastical.

Sad Mag: Tell us a bit about yourselves. How did you two decide to collaborate?

Martina + Reem: I think it was when we were attending Van Arts. We would be shooting in the studio, and we would overlap our timeslots… a lot. We would work together; one would assist the other when they’re shooting and vice versa. We noticed that there were a lot of shoots that we worked really well together. We kind of like a similar style. We did have our own styles before, but now its combined into one style. We have a lot of similarities. We love to work with layers and textures, and even feelings you get in the photos. We enjoy working together. And we’re best friends, so it works out.

SM: What’s your favourite subject to photograph?

MR: That’s a hard question! There are so many beautiful things to photograph. We love everything! We would say we specialize in fashion and fine arts. But honestly, we were just talking about doing a product shoot the other day.

SM: Why did you choose to use film for the cover and not digital photography?

MR: Well, it was a long time ago that we shot in film. We were actually so nervous about the shoot! It was a hard decision, but it kind of reminded us of how amazing film is. Now, we’re talking about how we should shoot more in film.

SM: Tell us about your experience photographing for Sad Mag?

MR: Shooting the cover was great. There was so much responsibility! We shot the cover, and the majority of the story inside. We also had a super early start, at 6 am because we had to get into the conservatory. Overall, the shoot took eight hours for the full day. We try to minimize when using digital, but with film, there’s no need to shoot a million pictures of the same thing. It’s scary! I think every shoot we get nervous. It just shows we love what we do, and we want it to look really, really good!

SM: If you could choose the ultimate subject, be it a person, nature, or a feeling, to photograph, what would it be?

MR: Wow that’s a big question. Maybe something in outer space. Since we have no budget. Somehow bring the water element into it. How about Audrey Hepburn, underwater, in outer space. With a unicorn.

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