Pulse won the best Unity Student game for 2012

Vancity has always had a reputation for being a place that loves independent art and culture of all kinds. Of the various mediums of art that Vancouver loves, and there are lots, there is one that often gets overlooked: video games. What’s this you say? Video Games aren’t art? Pish tosh to you sir/madam! video games are indeed a form of art! Vancouver is renowned as a nexus of independent game design and a home for many of those for whom Independent game design is their career.

At Vancouver Film School, every few months a new round of students graduate after pouring blood, sweat, tears and hundreds of hours into a final project over the course of 5 months. Most of these projects become pieces in portfolios, things students have worked on that they let fall by the way side. The keyword here being ‘most.’ Every now and then a team of incredibly talented and passionate young people put out something miraculous that they poured themselves into. One of these games is Pulse.

Pulse is a game where the player takes on the role of a little blind girl to try and save her lost brother. Their world is one lit by sound, and filled with adorable little creatures called ‘Mokos’ and ravenous monsters.

Approximately one month ago Pulse did what a lot of independent artists only dream of: they tried to go big! They put themselves out on KickStarter for the world to judge their worth. Currently they have approximately $47 500 out of their goal of $75 000 and time is running short for them!

Sad Mag and VFS urge Vancouver’s lovers of independent art to pitch in, and try and make this dream a reality for five exceptionally dedicated and hardworking individuals who are trying to do what all new artists want to do: turn their passion into their career. You can read more about Pulse in the Globe and Mail, and visit their KickStarter Page to donate!

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