Ivan Decker

Who are you? What’s the Ivan Decker experience?
My name is Ivan Decker, I am a stand up comedian from Vancouver. I’ve been fortunate to have the pleasure of opening for some big name comics to sold out crowds at the River Rock Theatre. Which is amazing. Some people will lie and say they prefer small intimate rooms but there’s nothing better than putting on a sharp suit and performing for a thousand people.

Tell us the last time you laughed til you cried?
I was re watching an old episode of Seinfeld and discovered this fine moment:

Jerry: “Kramer are you reading the VCR manual?”
Kramer: “Well, we can’t all read the classics, Professor Highbrow!”

I rolled around my apartment floor for about 5 minutes.

When did you realize you were funny?
I always liked telling jokes and making people laugh but the idea to become a comedian I think sprouted in high school. I was very opinionated as a teenager but whenever I expressed myself seriously people would just laugh in my face. Maybe they were all high… or maybe I was funny. Maybe both! In any case I think that’s where my comedy was born… Getting mad about things nobody really cares about. That’s the real Ivan Decker experience. IT’S ALWAYS TOO HOT ON THE BUS!

Who was your comedic mentor when you were coming into the life?
I’ve probably watched Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedian” documentary about 60 times. But in terms of real life people I was really fortunate that a few of the more established comics on the scene really helped me out. Guys like Lachlan Patterson and Dave Nystrom to name a couple. So much of comedy is things you need to discover for yourself but they helped me with the basics like “move the mic stand out of the way” or “Don’t let a couple heckling douchebags from Surrey make you feel like you can’t do this. They are cowards that shout from the dark.”

You’ve become a staple at the Vancouver Comedy Fest, what’s it like to rep Vancouver stand up?
It’s pretty dope. When people want to do stage time in this city now they have to bring gifts to my family.

Quintessential Vancouver moment?
I was walking through Gas Town on the way to Waterfront station. It was a cold rainy day in November. Tourists were taking pictures of the steam clock and the 12 o’clock cruise ship horn that sounds like the opening chords of “O Canada” could be heard over the hustle and bustle of homeless people asking for money to look after the cars of people parking and cab drivers honking at everyone and everything.

I had just purchased a 16 oz Americano from an independent coffee shop and scoffed slightly as I walked by Starbucks with my unmarked cup proudly displayed in front of me. As I arrived at the steam clock I became annoyed by the amount of people blocking the sidewalk to photograph a rather unremarkable outdoor grandfather clock. I decided to try to avoid the crowd by darting in between a tree and a line of newspaper boxes featuring various publications containing pop culture nonsense and sudoku puzzles.

As I stepped on the metal grate that covered the tree roots I realized very quickly that painted metal coated in rain water didn’t exactly have the traction to support my current speed and direction. Before I could make any mathematical adjustments to my travel however, I hit the ground so hard that everyone around stopped what they were doing and looked just in time to see me throw my pretentious coffee across the street, narrowly missing a bike courier. I quickly apologized to everyone and attempted to untangle my headphones from my scarf as I hurried away to get on the sky train without paying for a ticket.

It was embarrassing at first but then I realized I’m probably internet famous on some sort of Korean “Fail Blog” equivalent.
If you couldn’t be you, which Ivan would you be?
Probably Ivan Oiser. He was a Doctor and a 25 time fencing champion with 3 different swords. Chicks love a Doctor that can use sweet swords. Also he wasn’t a big fan of Nazis. BONUS POINTS!

You are an animal or exhibit at the zoo – which are you?
Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, Tiger, TIGER UPPERCUT! ….Sorry can you repeat the question?

Ivan Decker has got a weekend of headlining coming up at the end of this month at the Comedy Mix here in Vancouver March 28 – 30; he’s on twitter @Ivandecker; he is featured in the current issue of discorder; AND he’s appearing in an amazing comedy show March 16th for Sad Mag!!

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