It ain’t easy bein’ a green queen, honey. Some go through new outfits like tubes of concealer, but these drag artists incorporate more than just glitter and fake genitals into their performances. These two kings and two queens are glamorous and eco-conscious, modeling outfits they’ve sourced from found materials instead of buying them brand new. Yes, you can work it without wasting it.

Veronica Vamp

“Being thrifty is a great way to be an eco-queen: re-using outfits, re-vamping them and re-purposing unexpected items is a great way to stay green. Be original and surprising.”
“I look for materials at thrift stores, scrap bins and sales. I am flat broke, but look fucking gorgeous!

“It’s all about attitude. ‘Cause the truth is, most of my outfits are held together with duct tape, glitter, rainbows, and unicorn dust that I pick up at my local 7-11. Fashion is about having fun.”

Lou Souls
“It’s a camping look.”

“My favourite colour is blue, so I like Blue Buck. To make the hat you have to get a 24-pack of canned beer, which Blue Buck unfortunately doesn’t serve, so red racer is a really good choice.”

“There’s no need to go for the higher-end beers to make an outfit. Making the lower-end beer look expensive is basically what Lou does. It’s Keith Urban meets Jon Bon Jovi.”

Photos by Christine McAvoy.

See the full spread in Sad Mag No. 10 VANIMAUX. On stands now!

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