I am an Alicia Tobin fan forever: not only did she provide my favourite excerpt in Charlie Demers’ Vancouver Special, but she is also the Vancouver performer most likely to talk about sharks on stage. If you’ve never had the pleasure of seeing Alicia transform a crowd from semi-normal individuals to a uniformly hysterical (laughing and crying) mass, be sure to catch her at the Sad Comedy Show 2, happening Thursday, April 28th, at the Cobalt.

Alicia Tobin loves sharks

Who is Alicia Tobin?

I am your friendly neighbour who wants to say hello but looks down instead, I want to be your friend, but I also want to be alone with a large bag of ginger snaps. I like how they are spicy and sweet and crunchy all at the same- not a lot of snacks can do that.

How did you get into comedy?

When I was really small- maybe 8 pounds- my parents would dress me in a little tuxedo, push my body into a doll stand, and tape a tiny microphone to my little baby fist. I was doing stand up before I could stand up- my head was still soft and it smelled like the best thing ever- so if I bombed I just let people smell my baby head.

What do you love best about performing?

I like it when I am on stage and I look into the crowd and I can see all of the people who like sharks too.

What is the worst place you have ever performed?

My brand of comedy does not lend well to the annual soccer league spaghetti dinner. No one said that there would be children there- and nobody said there would be parents there.

What is it about Vancouver that produces so many funny people?

I dunno, the kind of funny people we have here is magic. Mostly white magic- but some people are so good you know it’s black magic.

Where do you get your inspirations?

Just every day stuff. Mostly watching people in the grocery store while I punch loaves of bread.

Funniest thing you have ever seen?

Once, I saw someone that had a huge bandage around their ear, but it was round and puffy- like a hamburger bun. So, it looked like the person had taped a hamburger bun to their ear. The tape was also all over their head to keep the bandage in place. I think I fell down I was so excited. I laughed until I cried, drew pictures of this person, and told everyone I met that day about hamburger bun ear. I bet their ear was actually really badly hurt. I think this was in 1992. I remember it like it was yesterday.

I hear you like animals. What would be your ultimate animal hybrid?

Oh this is easy- I would be a Gowl: an owl, cause I like eating mice and a little goat because I’m a good jumper.

Sad Comedy Show 2

The Cobalt

917 Main St

8:00PM – 1:00AM

$10 at the door (includes a year subscription to Sad Mag!)

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