Beau Muncer

Aspiring designer and fashion fanatic Beau Muncer is finding a way to do what he loves in “No Fun City,” Vancouver.  Born in Winnipeg and raised on the Sunshine Coast, Beau moved to Vancouver in his early twenties and soon discovered his passion for personal style. Having studied Fashion Merchandising at Blanche MacDonald with a focus on design awareness, Beau is revealing his craft with the launch of his first collection, “Beau” by Reggie Terrence. 

SAD MAG: Who are you?

BEAU MUNCER:  My name is Beau. I’m 27 years old and I’m now an aspiring fashion designer.  I moved to Vancouver in my early twenties and thought I wanted to be a motorcycle mechanic.  I was apprenticing under an expert, who’d been a mechanic for 25 years, but who hated motorcycles and wanted nothing to do with them. I didn’t want to feel that way, so his experience changed my plans. I was working in bars and one night a co-worker commented on my style and suggested I check out Blanche MacDonald.  A week later I did and signed up to study fashion merchandising.  I learned about the process of design, from conception to production, did really well and enjoyed it a lot.  I realized I was a lot more creative than I gave myself credit for.

SM:  After you finished at Blanche MacDonald, what did you do?

BM:  Well, school isn’t cheap and neither is Vancouver, that’s for sure.  But since school, I’ve always had a vision; I knew what I wanted to do.  It was just a matter of getting things together in order to do what I wanted.  I struggled a little bit, trying to start a business and launch my collection.  It wasn’t working so I went up North for one year to work at the West Coast Fishing Club in Haida Gwaii and save some money.  Now I’m back and I’m starting my dream of building the Reggie Terrence Empire.


SM:  Tell me more about Reggie Terrence.  Who is he and what is this all about?

BM:  Yeah, so Reggie Terrence is my fashion label. “Beau” is (obviously) my name and the title for one of my collections. Reggie was my grandfather and Terrence is my father.  The logo is a moustache because they both had moustaches. I even got a moustache tattoo because I couldn’t grow facial hair.  I was inspired to take the best of each generation, to include the lessons we learn from the people that pass them down to us and build something with that.  “Beau” by Reggie Terrence is kind of like the wild child who learns the lessons, goes through the “process of life” to get to “the dream” whereas Reggie Terrence is the dream, it’s the successor, the place or person we reach when we have found our way.  So basically, this is the idea or inspiration behind the Reggie Terrence label and the collection of “Beau”.

“I realized I was a lot more creative than I gave myself credit for.” 


SM:  Now that you’re in the stages of launching your label, do you think “No Fun City Vancouver” interferes or enhances that process for you?

BM:  I think the biggest challenge for artists in Vancouver is money and resources.  I don’t think artists decide that they’re going to become a painter or a sculptor or musician because of the money (laughs).  You have to love your craft and figure out any possible way to make money at it.  The good thing about Vancouver is that it’s a big little city: it seems that there’s always some sort of connection to someone.  You know, someone has a brother or you dated someone’s ex or someone knows someone that is working on a music video that needs styling.  It’s a benefit in Vancouver that being in a smaller city you can actually expose yourself because of the network we have here.

SM:  How did you get involved with Sad Mag?

BM:  (Laughs) Through knowing you (laughs)!  See?  You always know someone who’s doing something in this city!

SM:  I guess you’re right!  So what’s next for Reggie Terrence?  What’s inspiring you and where do you see yourself or your product in the next few years?

BM:  Well, the next little while I’ll be doing what I like to call the “Hifiger Hussle”.  Tommy Hilfiger started off by selling jeans out of the trunk of his car so, you know, you’ve got to start somewhere.  The pieces for the “Beau” by Reggie Terrence collection are fun and have just the right amount of edge for a young, relaxed crowd.  I think the pieces could easily be found in stores like El Kartel but my long term goal is to have my own store front one day.  I’d like the store to be in Kits so we’ll see.


SM: Where can we find Reggie Terrence’s collections now?

BM: I’ve got a promo video and the website is just about to be launched.  There will be an online affiliation with which will allow people to order the “Beau” product line online. Check out Reggie Terrence!

SM: Any words to the readers out there?

BM: Yeah, um, thanks so much for all of the support, especially my family, friends and everyone that’s made things possible for me so far.   Working hard pays off but it’s everyone who helps that makes it all come together.  Thank you!