Never read show descriptions, especially at the Fringe. Because then you’re denying yourself half the fun – the discovery, smugly unearthing “the next great show” before your Fringe-going friends.

With Morgan Brayton’s “Raccoonery!”, I don’t know what I was expecting. Rodents? Raccoon Costumes? Nonsensical monologuing? What Brayton in fact delivers is intelligent, cutting comic character work with a political undercurrent.

Brayton starts us off by offering the definition of “raccoonery” itself (somewhere past shenanigans and tomfoolery),  a term her own departed grandmother once used that has obviously helped inform Brayton’s own comic sensibility.

In this latest show she offers up a feast of characters – a weight-loss program infomercial host, a Class of ‘84 high school valedictorian, and an irresistible girl with a penchant for ice cream, among others.

Almost more enchanting than the characters themselves are the musical interludes that serve as transitions. Mundane, everyday lyrics set to whimsical tunes offer gems like “I want chips. Give me some chips” or my favourite, a hosting-a-party song asking guests to “put that guitar away, I know you think you sound good… you don’t.”

For those who have never experienced her, “Raccoonery!” is a fine example of why Brayton is celebrated as one of the city’s, if not the country’s, top comediennes. Not every character can be as infectious as the last but each has its own strength, be it a cutting commentary or even a single guffaw-inducing line.

But don’t read this review! Just go discover it. Sink into your seat and allow Brayton to release that belly-laugh you’ve been suppressing at your day job. It’s the best way to welcome the Fringe to town.

Raccoonery! by Morgan Brayton
Part of the Vancouver International Fringe Festival
Performance Works on Granville Island
Remaining performances:
Saturday Sept 11, 8:35 pm
Thursday Sept 16, 10:25 pm
Friday Sept 17, 7:00 pm
Sunday Sept 19, 12:25 pm