If you enjoyed The Sad Comedy Show, or like to laugh in general, you will also enjoy A Beautiful Podcast – a zany, hilarious monthly podcast created by Vancouver comedy group The Sunday Service.

Sad Mag: What is The Sunday Service?

Sunday Service: The Sunday Service is a Vancouver based comedy group. For over four years the group has established its roots and loyal following with their live improvised performances. Then we discovered that the internet finally exists and seized the opportunity to expand our comedic vocabulary into the medium of podcasts. Beautiful ones.

SM: Who is The Sunday Service?

SS: The group is made up of six gentlemen. Tasman VanRassel, Ryan Beil, Kevin Lee, Aaron Read, Craig Anderson and Emmett Hall. Most of them are extremely funny.

SM: What is a Beautiful Podcast?

SS: It’s a forty minute audio comedy podcast released once a month consisting of an amalgam of sketches, radio plays, songs and silly interviews.

The show meanders through a variety of written and improvised material tied loosely with a theme established by the six members off the top of the episode.

SM: What inspires you to come up with a sketch for the podcast?

SS: All six of the members have eclectic interests and backgrounds, so the sketches are often steeped in the performers’ quirky perspectives. That will generally create a weird, fun context for the piece that we can all agree is hilarious.

Also – the constant need for content. We always seem to be behind, so whoever shows up with a half baked concept is pretty much immediately “okayed” and thrown into the pot.

SM: How do you start an improv scene on the podcast?

SS: Whatever we happen to be joking about five minutes before we record will usually be the jumping off point for an improvised scene. Emmett will press record and say, “go.” Then he and Kevin will gut it out in editing, so all that remains is the delectable morsels of funny.

The theme of the intro and outro often inspires a lot of the improvised elements as well.

SM: What’s your favourite part of creating the podcast?

SS: The excuse to hang out while under the guise of generating precious, precious comedy.

SM: What do you like best about working together?

SS: All the fellows seem to have a comparable need for attention and boisterousness. When we work together, we can hone those cravings into a very creative outlet. And we get rewarded at the end with a very well constructed, unique and original quality product: A Beautiful Podcast!

Check out the podcast on iTunes or on The Sunday Service’s website!

Also, you can check out The Sunday Service’s live show every Sunday at 9:00 pm at The Hennessy!

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