Look out the window. Is it raining? Is it sunny? Can you see the smoke from the fiery embers that will be our summer? Until it’s a reality, listen to this mix and think of road trips, sunshine and that gross feeling of sand in your flip flops.

Listen to Pam’s “Summer Smoke” Mix


A maven of music, a food snob and a stick­ler when it comes to good design, those of us who know Pam regard her as a pas­sion­ate per­son for all things cre­ative. Pam received her Bach­e­lor of Fine Arts from Emily Carr Uni­ver­sity of Art& Design in 2006 and her diploma with hon­ours in Illus­tra­tion and Design from Capi­lano University’s IDEA Program.

When Pam isn’t doing her design magic for Sad Mag, she enjoys being a soprano diva in the Kings­gate cho­rus, mak­ing elab­o­rate meals and then eat­ing them, and mak­ing daily playlists for your lis­ten­ing pleasure.

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