In collaboration with the Vancouver Aquarium School Programs and Qmunity’s Youth Project, Sad Mag hosted The Sea Legs pinhole photography workshop  on June 20, 2012, in an effort to con­nect queer youth with Van­cou­ver artists in a safe space. The ocean composes most of the earth’s surface and the majority of life on the planet. We often anthromorphize animals, talking about genders and reproduction calling a barnacle he or she, but we must remind ourselves that these animals are beautiful without visible gender. We can’t normalize the ocean based on human assumptions. These animals are diverse, successful and most of them have no visible difference between male and female or no gender at all. The theme of the work­shop was focused on the education/preservation of local sea life and of tra­di­tional pho­tog­ra­phy as a fine art form.

Using old boxes from the gift shop, juice bot­tle lids, pop cans, expired film, and used film can­is­ters, par­tic­i­pants con­structed pin­hole cam­eras to pho­to­graph sea crea­tures in the edu­ca­tional wet lab.  Aquar­ium vol­un­teers provided education on the  var­i­ous spec­i­mens native to the Van­cou­ver shore­line, while par­tic­i­pants had a chance to han­dle some of the sea crea­tures before photographing them. Sad Mag’s Edi­tor in Chief, Cre­ative Direc­tor, Designer, and Pho­tog­ra­phers worked with par­tic­i­pants at photo-sta­tions (which were pro­fes­sion­ally lit by the amaz­ing Jonathan Wong). Select images from the work­shop have been pub­lished in the VANIMAUX issue and many more will be dis­played at the issue launch exhi­bi­tion, Van­i­maux II,  opening on August 2, 2012 at 7:00pm at the Gam Gallery (110 E.Hastings St). The images range from pur­ple ten­ta­cles, to abstract inter­pre­ta­tions of her­mit crabs, urchins, and anemones. Intensely colored, soft and dreamy, these are experimental 35 mm film photographs by:

William Flett
Kiesha Janvier
Theodore Lake
Esther Lemieux
Calvin Ling
Vinson Ng
Jaedyn Starr

Check out a few of their amaz­ing images below:




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