Having a baby is absolutely terrifying – even in traditional circumstances. Add to that finding a womb and an egg donor, deciding who the biological father will be, endless government forms, and having to pay upwards of $30,000 in bureaucratic fees and you understand the complications of a gay couple having a child via surrogate pregnancy in Canada. Playwright Dave Deveau’s newest production, Tiny Replicas, explores the many issues this situation raises.

Tiny Replicas is informative, touching, and funny as it follows a gay male couple, Simon & Ethan, on their journey of conceiving a child from start to birth. Revealing the power struggles that arise with the government, society, and their involved friends, Tiny Replicas is at its strongest when delving into Simon & Ethan’s relationship. The situation may be specific but the theme is universal – how do couples cope with hardship, change, and growing up? Though it temporarily quashed my childbearing desires, Tiny Replicas is a tender, brazen delight.

Tiny Replicas runs from July 21-25 at the Cultch, as part of the Neanderthal Festival. For tickets, visit www.thecultch.com.

Photo by Brandon Gaukel.

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