

Deanne and Brandon were interviewed this week by CBC Radio One’s Sheryl McKay for her weekend BC arts program, North by Northwest. We had a great time talking Sad Mag and the arts scene according to Vancouver’s under-40s.

Our interview was aired Sunday, September 12 at 8:30 a.m. Catch the podcast recording at http://www.cbc.ca/nxnw/.

Thank you, Sheryl and Anna!

7 thoughts on “Sad Mag on CBC this Sunday

  1. This was an awesome interview! I’m very proud of all of you for your accomplishments. Keep it up.

  2. I heard you guys on NXNW and was pleasantly surprised to learn you launched a print mag in an economic climate where the prevalent belief is (or so I’ve been told) that print magazines are dying because the web is cheaper no one over 30 reads arts and culture magazines anyway. The high cost of printing and advertisers who feel they can get more value for their marketing dollars online have been cited as two of the biggest issues facing magazine publishers today. I guess advertisers are not an issue for a not-for-profit publication. Good, I hate ads. Congratulations to you and your team. I haven’t seen the print mag yet and the website looks great. Your hard work and passion show.

  3. Thanks so much Toni! We don’t hold anything against over 50’s! And would love it if you came to our launch party. This Thursday, at the Anza Club.

  4. This photo is fabulous! I love how happy Brandon looks (and comfy too, clearly he needs his own radio gig).

    I am ridiculously excited to see this publication!

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