Icebergs + confetti = the ultimate combination.

Have you seen the new issue of Sad Mag? Featuring fantasies of all kinds, Rebecca Chaperon’s work fits perfectly with the theme. Adding to her already jam-packed fall schedule, which includes two gallery shows and a book launch, Chaperon has managed to squeeze in another gallery appearance.

Opening this Sunday, Chaperon will have two paintings, Doppelganger I and Doppelganger II, shown in an exhibit called The Best of Everything. Following on the same theme of the work showcased in the current print issue (think arctic mixed with tropic plus confetti, you heard right!), you won’t want to miss seeing these striking works in person.

The opening will feature live music and, of course, art. Over 14 established and upcoming artists will be featured in this show guest coordinated by Korey Moran at the Baron Gallery.

Interested in Chaperon’s process? Here’s a little taste, more of which can be found in the newest Sad Mag issue—available now!

I feel that often I need to think about things when I’m at the studio because once I’m in this room, it’s go. I’m just really in this really fast-paced environment. On my walk here, I try to be really calm and meditate on the fact that I’m taking one step at a time because I know, once I open the door and walk in, it can be overwhelming recognizing the amount of things I might have to do in one day. When there’s a lot of different things going on, its hard to decided what to do first, and it can be hard to step away and realize what’s the most important thing.

With a full plate of producing work, showcasing work, and getting herself out there, we understand Chaperon’s need to take some time to be calm. Join her in celebrating all her hard work this Sunday.

Opening: Sunday, November 10, 2-5pm with piano & light refreshments
Gallery Hours: Monday-Saturday November 16th, 12-6pm
Location: Baron Gallery, 293 Columbia St @ Cordova, Gastown, Vancouver


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