Gather 'round, take in some art, and enjoy the company of your neighbour.

What’s one thing can make basically any event better? Food. Slideluck Vancouver, which held its first even in February of this year has combined photography and mingling with sharing a meal to create an experience that is both beautiful and filling. Coming up this Sunday, November 3, Slideluck will be hosting an event at Performance Works on Granville Island.

Featuring work  from amateurs to pros, Slideluck is open to all and is definitely worth a visit. Make sure to say “hello” to Sad Mag-gers Katie, one of the esteemed judges, and Jackie, a featured photographer. Curtis Michael Davey, the director of Slideluck Vancouver tells us a little bit more about what makes up this unique evening of entertainment.

Sad Mag: Who are you?
Curtis Davey: Curtis Michael Davey (@curtismdavey), director of Playground.Is (@playgroundis), Slideluck Vancouver (@slideluckvan), member of the Engaged City Task Force (@engagedcity). Cultural producer, global citizen, wide-eyed wanderer and light-footed flâneur.

SM: What is Slideluck?
CD: Slideluck is a global community and series of events for appreciators of food, photography and gatherings. It was founded in the backyard of Casey Kelbaugh in Seattle over a decade ago and has spread to over sixty five cities worldwide. Slideshow+Potluck=Slideluck.

SM: When did Slideluck come to Vancouver?
CD: Unofficially, we’ve been planning Slideluck Vancouver since 2010. Officially, February 2013 was the inaugural Slideluck Vancouver event.

SM: What’s the goal of the Slideluck format?
CD: To showcase the work of photographers of all levels—from amateurs to the most notable pros—in an inclusive and communal atmosphere around a good meal. It’s all about coming together to celebrate the art of photography and of food.

SM: What does a Slideluck add to the community?
CD: It adds a non-judgmental platform for photographers to share their work. It provides the opportunity for the community to come together and eat together. It introduces people to new foods, new recipes, new perspectives on the world and to like-minded people in their community.

Sharing ice cream is even more delicious that breaking bread.

SM: Breaking bread together is said to bring people together. Do you see this at your events?
CD: Absolutely. Social dining seems to break down people’s barriers and inhibitions. If the art doesn’t get people talking to each other, the food surely will.

SM: What are your other favourite Vancouver cultural events?
CD:I’m a big fan of the Vancouver Opera but tickets are prohibitively expensive. I also enjoy KitsFest, Sam Sullivan Public Salons, Pecha Kucha, and also Playground.Is. Events that combine opportunities to learn something while enjoying a beverage and some good tunes as a part of the events overall platform. Looking forward to the day when Vancouver has its own Nuit Blanche.

SM: What is your hope for Slideluck in the future?
CD: That it becomes a popular annual event in Vancouver for people inside and outside of the foodie and photography communities. That it becomes a meeting place for people of both the high and low end of the social spectrum. That it attracts people from outside Vancouver to come and join us.

SM: Where are you as you answer these questions?
CD: At my home office, chained to my computer, writing emails and documents until my hands cramp up and my eyesight goes blurry.

SM: Describe Slideluck in 3 words.
CD: Labour of love.

Come celebrate the hard work of all of those involved with Slideluck Vancouver this Sunday, November 3. Get your tickets and enjoy an evening of food, photography, and fine company.

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