Sun­day comics by Sara French!

Sara French received her Mas­ters of Applied Arts from Emily Carr Uni­ver­sity of Art and Design in 2011 after com­plet­ing a Bach­e­lor of Arts in Visual Arts and Art His­tory at the Uni­ver­sity of Windsor.

She is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary artist who works in draw­ing, per­for­mance art, sculp­ture and video. Since grad­u­at­ing, Sara has par­tic­i­pated in a vari­ety of group exhi­bi­tions through­out Van­cou­ver includ­ing, 221aGam Gallery and the Lion’s Den. Most recently she exhib­ited Bills, a solo show in Win­nipeg at gallery672 Sar­gent that dis­played a col­lec­tion of embroideries.

Cur­rently Sara is work­ing with the artist col­lec­tive Depart­ment of Unusual Cer­tain­ties, out of Toronto, on an upcom­ing exhi­bi­tion for fall 2013.

In 2014 she will engage in a one-year artist in res­i­dence for Har­court House artist run centre.

Sara resides in Edmonton.

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