Give the gift of Sad Mag for just $12, and remind your friends and fam­ily of your good taste the whole year through. Or maybe it is time to “treat yo self.”

Order before Decem­ber 17, and a holiday card will be sent to the recipient that notifies them of their new subscription, in time for Christ­mas. Mean­while, gen­er­ous Van­cou­verites that place an order before Decem­ber 17 will also earn an entry into a draw for a $100 gift cer­tifi­cate to Burcu’s Angels vin­tage cloth­ing store. Visions of vin­tage furs and sequins dance in our heads!

To sign up for your­self or a friend, visit our sub­scrip­tion page. If you’re order­ing for a friend, sub­mit the recipient’s address as the ship­ping address.
Invite your friends on Face­book and share the Sad Hol­i­day Magic!

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